Bli bedre kjent med de som har tatt doktorgrad i Sykehuset Østfold.
Leonardsen, Ann-Chatrin |
Helsetjenesteforskning |
Dlawer Abdulla Barzenje |
Disputas: Dlawer Abdulla Barzenje - Hemato-onkologi - Institutt for klinisk medisin ( |
Bjerke, Espen |
Mellommenneskelige problemer hos psykiatriske pasienter |
Brelin, Siri |
Palliativ medisin |
Ramtvedt, Bjørn Erik |
Behandling av barn og unge med ADHD |
Austeng, Marit Erna |
Hearing loss, otitis media with effusion and obstructive sleep apnea in children with Down syndrome |
Størkson, Ragnhild |
Clinical Challenges in Colonic and Rectal Adenocarcinomas |
Haug, Jon Birger |
Infeksjonsmedisin/farmakologi - Institutt for klinisk medisin |
Johannessen, Hege Hølmo |
Anal incontinence in primiparae: Prevalence, Predictors and Quality of Life |
Debes, Anders |
Training and Assessment of Basic Laparoscopic Skills - Development of an Evidence-Based Simulation Curriculum |
Øgrim, Geir |
Electrophysiology in ADHD. Diagnosis, predictions, and treatment |
Bernitz, Stine |
Differentiated birth care for low-risk women - Medical and economic perspectives |
Grøvle, Lars |
Sciatica and disc herniation: The complexity of self-reported symptoms, health complaints and return to work |
Haugen, Anne Julsrud |
Sciatica and disc herniation: Outcome measures and prognostic factors |
Sørby, Lise Aagaard |
New insights into markers and mechanisms in colon cancer progression and metastasis |
Sjøborg, Katrine Dønvold |
Cervical neoplasia: Causes and consequenses |
Ha, Lisa |
Energy- and protein supplementation to elderly stroke patients at nutritional risk in hospital |
Jelsness-Jørgensen, Lars-Petter |
Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): the importance of fatigue, disease-related worries and Health-related Quality of Life |