Forskningsgruppe Revma Rygg

Navn | Rolle | Tittel |
Lars Grøvle | Gruppeleder og forsker | Overlege PhD |
Eivind Hasvik | Forsker | Fysioterapeut PhD |
Anne Julsrud Haugen | Forsker | Overlege PhD |
Christian Høili | Forsker | Overlege |
Jing Lisa Li Lorentsen | Forsker | Overlege |
Nasjonale og regionale samarbeid og nettverk:
- Forsknings- og formidlingsenheten for muskelskjeletthelse (FORMI)
- Forskningssenter for behandling innen revmatologi og muskelskjelettsykdommer (REMEDY)
- Div avdelinger for revmatologi og fysikalsk medisin og rehabilitering
Klinisk forskning på ledd- og rygglidelser
NIS | Nytten av NSAIDs ved isjias |
pBMES | Sykdomsutvikling ved primært benmargsødemsyndrom (BMES) |
Back to basic | Nytten av Infliximab ved ryggsmerter og Modicforandringer |
Arctic forward | Sykdomsforløpet ved leddgikt |
BMES review | Terminologi og sykdomsforløp ved BMES og transitorisk osteoporose |
GCAPTAIN | Secukinumab ved kjempecellearteritt (Novartis) |
1. Kristoffersen, P.M., et al., Amoxicillin Did Not Reduce Modic Change Edema in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain: Subgroup Analyses of a Randomised Trial (the AIM Study). Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 2023. 48(3): p. 147-154 DOI: 10.1097/brs.0000000000004513.
2. Bråten, L.C.H., et al., Cytokine Patterns as Predictors of Antibiotic Treatment Effect in Chronic Low Back Pain with Modic Changes: Subgroup Analyses of a Randomized Trial (AIM Study). J Pain Res, 2023. 16: p. 1713-1724 DOI: 10.2147/jpr.S406079.
3. Vigeland, M.D., et al., Correlation between gene expression and MRI STIR signals in patients with chronic low back pain and Modic changes indicates immune involvement. Sci Rep, 2022. 12(1): p. 215 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-04189-5.
4. Haukeland-Parker, S., et al., Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Norwegian version of the Leicester Cough Questionnaire in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Physiother Theory Pract, 2022. 38(12): p. 2175-2184 DOI: 10.1080/09593985.2021.1911012.
5. Hasvik, E., A.J. Haugen, and L. Grøvle, Symptom descriptors and patterns in lumbar radicular pain caused by disc herniation: a 1-year longitudinal cohort study. BMJ Open, 2022. 12(12): p. e065500 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-065500.
6. Hasvik, E., et al., Strategies to manage auxiliary pain medications in chronic pain trials: a topical review. Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 2022. 78(9): p. 1377-1384 DOI: 10.1007/s00228-022-03355-6.
7. Grøvle, L., et al., NSAIDs in sciatica (NIS): study protocol for an investigator-initiated multicentre, randomized placebo-controlled trial of naproxen in patients with sciatica. Trials, 2022. 23(1): p. 493 DOI: 10.1186/s13063-022-06441-3.
8. Grøvle, L., E. Hasvik, and A.J. Haugen, Letter to the editor regarding "Minimally-invasive percutaneous treatments for low back pain and leg pain: a randomized controlled study of thermal disc decompression versus mechanical percutaneous disc decompression" by Fasoli et al. Spine J, 2022. 22(12): p. 2082 DOI: 10.1016/j.spinee.2022.08.003.
9. Grøvle, L., E. Hasvik, and A.J. Haugen, Impact of rescue medication in placebo-controlled trials of pharmacotherapy for neuropathic pain and low back pain. Pain, 2022. 163(3): p. e417-e425 DOI: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002380.
10. Dagestad, M.H., et al., Apparent diffusion coefficient values in Modic changes - interobserver reproducibility and relation to Modic type. BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 2022. 23(1): p. 695 DOI: 10.1186/s12891-022-05610-4.
11. Bråten, L.C.H., et al., Minimal important change was on the lower spectrum of previous estimates and responsiveness was sufficient for core outcomes in chronic low back pain. J Clin Epidemiol, 2022. 151: p. 75-87 DOI: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2022.07.012.
12. Syversen, S.W., et al., Effect of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring vs Standard Therapy During Maintenance Infliximab Therapy on Disease Control in Patients With Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Jama, 2021. 326(23): p. 2375-2384 DOI: 10.1001/jama.2021.21316.
13. Lillegraven, S., et al., Effect of Half-Dose vs Stable-Dose Conventional Synthetic Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs on Disease Flares in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis in Remission: The ARCTIC REWIND Randomized Clinical Trial. Jama, 2021. 325(17): p. 1755-1764 DOI: 10.1001/jama.2021.4542.
14. Lie, M.U., et al., Low Back Pain With Persistent Radiculopathy; the Clinical Role of Genetic Variants in the Genes SOX5, CCDC26/GSDMC and DCC. Front Genet, 2021. 12: p. 757632 DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2021.757632.
15. Kristoffersen, P.M., et al., Oedema on STIR modified the effect of amoxicillin as treatment for chronic low back pain with Modic changes-subgroup analysis of a randomized trial. Eur Radiol, 2021. 31(6): p. 4285-4297 DOI: 10.1007/s00330-020-07542-w.
16. Hasvik, E., A.J. Haugen, and L. Grøvle, Pinprick and Light Touch Are Adequate to Establish Sensory Dysfunction in Patients with Lumbar Radicular Pain and Disc Herniation. Clin Orthop Relat Res, 2021. 479(4): p. 651-663 DOI: 10.1097/corr.0000000000001605.
17. Stynes, S., et al., New insight to the characteristics and clinical course of clusters of patients with imaging confirmed disc-related sciatica. Eur J Pain, 2020. 24(1): p. 171-181 DOI: 10.1002/ejp.1475.
18. Norli, E.S., et al., Joint Distribution and Two-Year Outcome in 347 Patients With Monoarthritis of Less Than Sixteen Weeks' Duration. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken), 2020. 72(5): p. 705-710 DOI: 10.1002/acr.23334.
19. Jelsness-Jørgensen, L.P., L. Grøvle, and A. Julsrud Haugen, Association between vitamin D and fatigue in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open, 2020. 10(2): p. e034935 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034935.
20. Grøvle, L., E. Hasvik, and A.J. Haugen, Rescue and concomitant analgesics in placebo-controlled trials of pharmacotherapy for neuropathic pain and low back pain. Pain, 2020. 161(1): p. 3-10 DOI: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001690.
21. Grotle, M., et al., Cost-utility analysis of antibiotic treatment in patients with chronic low back pain and Modic changes: results from a randomised, placebo-controlled trial in Norway (the AIM study). BMJ Open, 2020. 10(6): p. e035461 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-035461.
22. Gjefsen, E., et al., The effect of infliximab in patients with chronic low back pain and Modic changes (the BackToBasic study): study protocol of a randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 2020. 21(1): p. 698 DOI: 10.1186/s12891-020-03720-5.
23. Bråten, L.C.H., et al., Association of Modic change types and their short tau inversion recovery signals with clinical characteristics- a cross sectional study of chronic low back pain patients in the AIM-study. BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 2020. 21(1): p. 368 DOI: 10.1186/s12891-020-03381-4.
24. Bråten, L.C.H., et al., Clinical effect modifiers of antibiotic treatment in patients with chronic low back pain and Modic changes - secondary analyses of a randomised, placebo-controlled trial (the AIM study). BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 2020. 21(1): p. 458 DOI: 10.1186/s12891-020-03422-y.
25. Hasvik, E., et al., Up-regulation of circulating microRNA-17 is associated with lumbar radicular pain following disc herniation. Arthritis Res Ther, 2019. 21(1): p. 186 DOI: 10.1186/s13075-019-1967-y.
26. Hasvik, E., et al., Cross-cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Norwegian Short-form McGill Pain Questionnaire-2 in Low Back-related Leg Pain. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 2019. 44(13): p. E774-e781 DOI: 10.1097/brs.0000000000002976.
27. Hasvik, E., A.J. Haugen, and L. Grøvle, Call for Caution in Using the Pain DETECT Questionnaire for Patient Stratifi cation Without Additional Clinical Assessments: Comment on the Article by Soni et al. Arthritis Rheumatol, 2019. 71(7): p. 1201-1202 DOI: 10.1002/art.40804.
28. Grøvle, L., et al., The Rates of LSS Surgery in Norwegian Public Hospitals: A Threefold Increase From 1999 to 2013. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 2019. 44(6): p. E372-e378 DOI: 10.1097/brs.0000000000002858.
29. Grotle, M., et al., Lumbar spine surgery across 15 years: trends, complications and reoperations in a longitudinal observational study from Norway. BMJ Open, 2019. 9(8): p. e028743 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-028743.
30. Fjeld, O.R., et al., Complications, reoperations, readmissions, and length of hospital stay in 34 639 surgical cases of lumbar disc herniation. Bone Joint J, 2019. 101-b(4): p. 470-477 DOI: 10.1302/0301-620x.101b4.Bjj-2018-1184.R1.
31. Bråten, L.C.H., et al., Efficacy of antibiotic treatment in patients with chronic low back pain and Modic changes (the AIM study): double blind, randomised, placebo controlled, multicentre trial. Bmj, 2019. 367: p. l5654 DOI: 10.1136/bmj.l5654.
32. Brinkmann, G.H., et al., Treat to target strategy in early rheumatoid arthritis versus routine care - A comparative clinical practice study. Semin Arthritis Rheum, 2019. 48(5): p. 808-814 DOI: 10.1016/j.semarthrit.2018.07.004.
33. Hasvik, E., et al., Assessing neuropathic pain in patients with low back-related leg pain: Comparing the painDETECT Questionnaire with the 2016 NeuPSIG grading system. Eur J Pain, 2018. 22(6): p. 1160-1169 DOI: 10.1002/ejp.1204.
34. Storheim, K., et al., Antibiotic treatment In patients with chronic low back pain and Modic changes (the AIM study): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 2017. 18(1): p. 596 DOI: 10.1186/s13063-017-2306-8.
35. Norli, E.S., et al., Diagnostic spectrum and 2-year outcome in a cohort of patients with very early arthritis. RMD Open, 2017. 3(2): p. e000573 DOI: 10.1136/rmdopen-2017-000573.
36. Grøvle, L. and A.J. Haugen, Denosumab in bone marrow oedema syndrome. Injury, 2017. 48(6): p. 1275-1276 DOI: 10.1016/j.injury.2017.04.005.
37. Brinkmann, G.H., et al., Disease Characteristics and Rheumatoid Arthritis Development in Patients with Early Undifferentiated Arthritis: A 2-year Followup Study. J Rheumatol, 2017. 44(2): p. 154-161 DOI: 10.3899/jrheum.160693.
38. Brinkmann, G.H., et al., Role of erosions typical of rheumatoid arthritis in the 2010 ACR/EULAR rheumatoid arthritis classification criteria: results from a very early arthritis cohort. Ann Rheum Dis, 2017. 76(11): p. 1911-1914 DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2017-211350.
39. Haavardsholm, E.A., et al., Ultrasound in management of rheumatoid arthritis: ARCTIC randomised controlled strategy trial. Bmj, 2016. 354: p. i4205 DOI: 10.1136/bmj.i4205.
40. Haugen, A.J., et al., [A man in his 40s with pain in his right thigh and knee]. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 2016. 136(18): p. 1553-1555 DOI: 10.4045/tidsskr.15.1151.
41. Haugen, A.J., et al., Pain-related fear and functional recovery in sciatica: results from a 2-year observational study. J Pain Res, 2016. 9: p. 925-931 DOI: 10.2147/jpr.S115003.
42. Aga, A.B., et al., First step in the development of an ultrasound joint inflammation score for rheumatoid arthritis using a data-driven approach. Ann Rheum Dis, 2016. 75(8): p. 1444-51 DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2015-207572.
43. Aga, A.B., et al., Development of a feasible and responsive ultrasound inflammation score for rheumatoid arthritis through a data-driven approach. RMD Open, 2016. 2(2): p. e000325 DOI: 10.1136/rmdopen-2016-000325.
Myklebust-Hansen HJ, Hasvik E, Solyga VM, Ghanima W.Pilot Feasibility Stud. 2023 Dec 2;9(1):195. doi: 10.1186/s40814-023-01415-x.PMID: 38042811 Free PMC article.
Grøvle L, Haugen AJ, Johansen M, Hasvik E.Osteoporos Int. 2023 Oct 9. doi: 10.1007/s00198-023-06929-x. Online ahead of print.PMID: 37814095 Review.
Espeland A, Kristoffersen PM, Bråten LCH, Grøvle L, Grotle M, Haugen AJ, Rolfsen MP, Hellum C, Zwart JA, Storheim K, Assmus J, Vetti N.Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2023 Dec 15;48(24):1699-1708. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000004837. Epub 2023 Sep 27.PMID: 37759351 Free PMC article. Clinical Trial.